David Bye

Email Address david_bye@yahoo.com
Phone Number 858-722-7715
Website https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbye/
David moved with Inmos to Dallas back in 1987 and worked in Dallas in field applications and marketing for 10 years, through the transition to SGS-THOMSON and later STMicroelectronics. He moved to San Diego in 1997 and to Los Angeles in Sep'04, where he worked supporting DIRECTV. David finally retired from ST in Oct'07 and thought to pursue a career in the HD video production industry, but when that didn't work out, he joined JetHead Development as VP Biz-Dev in 2008. After leaving JetHead in 2018 and working for Arcadyan and UEI, he is now living in Indianapolis and working for Glassboard, a product development company. David is divorced, and his son Simon (16 in 2022) lives in Baltimore with mom. Updated June 2022.

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