Carl Wilkerson

Email Address
Phone Number 214-842-1453
Carl is employed by Serco Inc, Reston, Va -- working as a USPS government QA Contractor, doing acceptance tests on 100 Northrup FSS systems ($800M contract) in 47 sites. Currently in Miami Lakes, FL for FSS #3 14 day tests, home one week, back to Miami Opa-Locka Airport for #4 tests, home 1 week, and return for #5 system @ 14 days. Prior to this contract, Carl worked for Sotec-Resources, Merrifield, Va on USPS APPS program ($312M) for 74 systems verification, validation, repairs, mods, beta-software upgrades and final acceptance for payment to Lockheed Martin. Still contracted to Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed to perform tests, audits, inspections and ISO certifications in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Louisana. updated Oct 10.

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