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Name Website
Agee (Browne), Sue 
Adam, Carmer 
Adams, Jimhttp://www.taeus.com/
Adi, Khadija  
Agerbak, Michaelwww.agerbak.com/michael
Albon, Richardwww.albon-art.co.uk
Alfarano, Michael 
Allan, Jim 
Alperin, Mike 
Anderson, Greg 
Anderson, Jewell 
Anderson, Tom 
Armour, David 
Armour, David 
Arreola, Jose 
Ashby, Andrew 
Ashok, Bangalore 
Aslam, Mohammed 
Atkinson, Dennishttp://www.compaq.com
Atkinson, Nigelhttp://www.neoworks.com
Atwell, Karen 
Augspurger, Uwehttp://www.msc.de
Auld, David 
Bailey, Rickhttp://www.ramtron.com
Balagat, Timothy 
Baqué, Gill (Foster) 
Barnie, Ralphhttp://www.ralphbarniephotography.com/
Barron, Iann 
Basecki, Rich 
Bease, Gordon 
Becker, Barbara 
Beddoe, Nigel 
Beecroft, Jonhttp://www.quadrics.com
Bergling, Vern 
Best, Todd 
Blackburn, Gordonhttp://www.hyder.com
Blacke, Douglas 
Blazek, Carlahttp://www.zenamoon.com
Blomquist, Harold 
Boardman, Richardhttp://www.richardboardman.com
Bond, Martin 
Booth, Martinhttp://www.ncomputing.com
Booth, Martin 
Boreham, Davidhttp://www.etimecapital.com
Bowers, David (Chaz)http://www.catch-the-star.com
Boyce, Chris 
Bradley, Helen (Proudfoot) 
Brady, Jim 
Brady, Tim 
Brain, Stephen 
Breeze, Mike 
Brock, Andy 
Bromley, Paul 
Brown, Martyhttp://www.sematech.org
Brown, Al 
Browne, Steve 
Bubick, Leslie 
Burgin, Kenhttp://www.pikelock.com
Burke, Rita 
Burns, Stevehttp://www.infineon.com/tricore
Bye, Davidhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbye/
Cameron, Kevinhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/kevcameron
Campbell, Garyhttp://www.arm.com
Campbell, Ali (Perkins) 
Carothers, Kim 
Carpenter, Samantha 
Carpenter, Darren 
Carrigan, Don 
Champion, Sue 
Cheese, Andrew 
Childs, Larry 
Chouhan, Nareshhttp://global.motorola.com/UK/
Christian, Stevehttp://www.doctordesign.com
Clarke, Andyhttp://www.faradaysearch.com
Coe, Mary Ellen 
Collins, Bruce 
Collins, Brianhttp://www.iora.com
Commons, Martin 
Connor, Ruth 
Conover, Geoffrey 
Cooke, Richard 
Cork, Chris  
Cottis, Stewart 
Cownie, David (Boris)https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-cownie-6694551?trk=hp-identity-name
Cozens, Steve 
Cramer, Ken 
Crawford, Jerry 
Crumpler, Stan 
Cuff, Randy 
Cusack, Mike 
Cutter, Bob 
Cytera, Christopherhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/christophercytera/
D'Alessandro(Anderson), Charmaine 
D'AUGUSTINE, A.C.http://www.ahighcountrylodge.com
Daman, George 
Danti, Ken 
Davenport, Tom 
Davies, Gareth 
Davies, Debbie 
Davies, Stevehttp://www.freescale.com
Davis, Anita 
Davis, Dan 
Day, Martinhttp://www.snsys.com
Decker, William 
DeMaris, Jeff 
Dent, Tonyhttp://www.iprias.co.uk
Derbenwick, Gary 
Dessel, Jamie 
Dewar, Kevin 
Dewar, Chris 
Diaz, Raul 
Dietrich, Daryl 
DiFazio, Carol 
Dimmler, Klaus 
Dobson, Stevehttp://www.unusualhotelsoftheworld.com
Docker, Steven 
Dolan, Simon 
Domnik, Reed 
Downing, Jon 
Doyle, Stevehttp://uk.linkedin.com/in/stephenjdoyle
Drew, Bob 
Dumayne, Phill 
Dunn, Nicholas 
Dunn, Helen 
Dunnachie, Ed 
Dwinells, Jim 
Dyson, Clivehttp://www.tagtig.co.uk
Eckelmann, Peter 
Edwards, Gerry 
Ericsson-Zenith, Stevenhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/stevenzenith
Esposito, Laurie 
Estes, Frank 
Feinstein, Leo 
Fell, David 
Fellows, Paul 
Feltham, James 
Fenton, Janice 
Fisher, Ross 
Fisher, Shirley (Campbell) 
Fleming, Iainhttp://www.kororaa.com/
Followell, Chris W.http://www.st.com/
Foster, Andrea 
Fowler, Petehttp://www.magisnetworks.com
Fox, Stephen 
Fusco, Francesco 
Gaines, Steve 
Gallagher, Edhttp://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/8209/
Gallagher, Tim 
Gardner, Richard www.indigogames.com
Ghee, Stevewww.ptc.com
Gherardi, Kathy (Killian)http://www.kathygherardi.com
Gholson, Mike 
Gholson, Evelyn 
Giannandrea, John 
Gibbons, Kenneth 
giyz1w, * * * http://obcindianccia.org/uploads/go.php
Goldston, Freda 
Gonzales, John 
Gordon, Richardhttp://www.dataquest.com
Gore, Tonyhttp://www.aspen.uk.com
Gossi, Dan 
Gower, Bob 
Grabas, Dominique 
Gravier, Gilleshttp://thinkingopensource.blogspot.com/
Gray, Dan 
Green, Bobhttp://www.aethos.com/
Greenbaum, Rufushttp://www.rufusgreenbaum.com
Greenhill, David 
Gresh, Steve 
Grigg, Penny (Crocker) 
Grismore, Craig 
Grossman, Mike 
Gruszka, Stuart 
Guccione, Patsy 
Guerin, Helen 
Gullickson-Crespo, Elizabeth 
Hall, Peter 
Hall, Richard 
Hamilton, Andyhttp://www.division.com/
Hamilton, Andy 
Hansen, Don 
Hardee, Kimhttp://www.surprisesoundlab.com
Harding, Nathanhttp://www.discoverwest.com.au
Harper, Kim 
Harris, Sean 
Harris, Steve 
Harrop, Chris 
Hartman, Brad 
Hatch, Matt 
Hatcher, Randyhttp://www.quantum.com/
Haver, Haroldhttp://www.atmel.com
Heddings, Ken 
Heddings, Jasonhttp://jason.heddings.com/
Heightley, John 
Hellings, Sanduhttp://www.riskhive.com
Henderson, Kathy 
Hendry, Ian 
Herdt, Christian 
Hermann, Eric 
Herrera, Alex 
Hewer, Don 
Hildebrand, Simon 
Hill, Glennhttp://www.jba.co.uk
Hilligas, Frank 
Hilton, Janie 
Hinneh, Samuel 
Hladek, Anthony (Tony) 
Hockaday, Dee 
Hoffman, Don 
Hokema, Hardy 
Holder, Nigelhttp://www.liveworks.co.uk
Homewood, Fredhttp://start.at/fred
Hooker, Richardhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Richooker
Hopkins, Kim 
Hopkins, Stephen 
Hopper, Peterhttp://www.national.com
Hoskinson, Sharon 
Howard, Tony 
Hoynak, Markhttp://www.atmel.com
Hurt, Gary 
Husbands, Gareth 
Husbands, Jeffrey 
Irwin, Todd 
Jacobs, Cathy 
Jacobsen, Ken 
Jadomski, Richard 
Jakson, John 
James, Waynehttp://www.erbzine.com/mag21/2160.html
Japp, Dave 
Jenkins, Patrick 
Jenkins, Stevenhttp://www.matterseyhall.com
Jeske, Faye 
Johnson, Tim 
Johnson, Jay 
Johnson, Debra (Means) 
Johnson, Troy 
Johnson, Carol 
Johnston, Davidhttp://www.deadhat.com
Jones, Clivehttp://www.actel.com/
Jones, Joanna 
Jones, David 
Jones, Markhttp://www.wirralphoto.com
Jones, B. Leehttp://www.linkedin.com/in/bleejones
Jones, Robert 
Jones, Fred 
Jones, Kim 
Kaufman, Kimberley 
Kaya, Jim 
Keip, Karl 
Kelly, James 
Kemp (Ryan), Kit 
Kemptner, Peterhttp://www.kemptner.com
Kenyon, Clarkhttp://www.hometown.aol.com/ctk0209/kenyon.htm
Kerns, Patrick 
Ketchum, Lori 
Ketchum, Kathy439 Lakeview Way SE
Khan, Anwar 
Khan, Sagheer 
Kiffe, Dennis 
King, Duncan 
King-Smith, Tony 
Kinsman, Larry 
Klaus, Dimmler 
Kleinfieldt, Linda 
Kline, Jerry 
Kline, Stephanie (Showers) 
Kolbe, Rayhttp://www.kolbesoftware.com
Kolbe, Lieslhttp://www.compaq.com
Kolbusz, Jackie 
Kral, Kim 
Krysiak , Bob  
Kyyhkynen, Arto 
Lang, Stephen 
Larsen, Chris 
Lasley, Teri 
Lawrence, Sally 
LeBlanc, Rocky 
Leeper, Stewart 
Lehtonen, Carlhttp://www.sicoast.com
Lepkowski, Edward Lhttp://www.l-mar.com
Levine, Eric 
Lewis, Curt 
Lind, Jim 
Linenfelser, Greg 
Llewellyn, Linda 
Llewellyn, Roger  
Lovell, Mary 
Lunacek, Ted 
Lundquist, Carrie 
Mac Carvill, Shanehttps://www.linkedin.com/in/shanemacc
Mackay, Calumn 
Mackinnon, Jon 
Magowan, Petehttp://www.arm.com
Makepeace, Paulhttp://paulm.com
Maldonado, Jose 
Malhi, Vijay 
Manning, Bobhttps://obits.gazette.com/us/obituaries/gazette/name/robert-manning-obituary?id=33595535
Mantz, Cheryl 
Mantz, Richard 
Marlow, Mikehttp://www.columbushigh.org
Martin, Johnhttp://www.purplemeanie.co.uk
Martin, Karen 
Martinez, Gilbert 
Mason, Markhttp://www.mubaloo.com
Matai, DKhttp://www.mi2g.com/cgi/mi2g/press/dkm_profile.pdf
Matsui, Kazutohttp://www.csp-consortium.org/
Maudsley, Stephenhttp://www.esgem.com/
Maxcy, Jack 
Mayer, Keith 
McCloskey, Terryhttp://www.enhance.plus.com
McClure, Paulhttp://McClureTherapy.com
McConnell, Rayhttps://www.linkedin.com/pub/ray-mcconnell/0/17/a0b
McCown , Steve 
McCray, Matt 
McEuen, Steven 
McGovern, Steve301 Smokey Rock Lane
McGuinness, Peterhttp://www.mcguinness-family.net
McIntosh-Smith, Simonhttp://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~simonm/
McLeod, Bill 
McMahon, John 
McMillan, John 
McTernan, David 
McWilliams, Iain 
Meyer, Mark 
Meyers, Philiphttp://www.ppcc.cccoes.edu/default.htm
Miller, Ron 
Miller, David 
Millwater, Andrewhttp://www.phyworks-ic.com
Mingay, Simonhttp://www.gartner-group.com/
Mitchell, Doug 
Mitchell, Neil 
Moerbe, Bill 
Moon, Y.C. 
Moore, Davidhttp://dmctek.googlepages.com/
Moore, Pete 
Morigami, Toshiyukihttp://www.palnet.co.jp
Morris, Stuarthttp://www.sonix.com
Morton, Jameshttp://www.compaq.com
Morton, Chuck 
Mound, Michael 
Mullane, Irene (Amato) 
Muller, Kitty 
Mullins, Bob 
Nas, David 
Nash, David  
Nash, David 
Neal, John 
Neill, Steve 
Nettleton, Betty 
Nice, Graham 
Niven, John 
Noble, Billhttp://www.wowlighting.co.uk
Norman, Joe 
Norris-Cuff, Debrahttps://www.facebook.com/#!/debra.norriscuff?fref=ts
Norvell, Judy 
Nouri, Faran 
Nutter, Arthttp://www.taeus.com
O'Carroll, Eugene 
O'Connor, Mike 
O'Hare, Pattie 
O'Hare, Alice 
O'Neil, Lisa (Hughes) 
O'Neill, Conorhttp://www.puddle.co.uk
O'Sullivan, Jim 
Oda, (Hideko) Janet 
Oliver, Jonathanhttp://www.jeotv.com
Onyett, Richard 
Owen , Sarah-jane 
Packer, Jamiehttp://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiepacker
Park, K.B. 
Parker, Kelly 
Parker, Dave 
Parker, Bob 
Parris, Michaelhttp://www.unitedmemories.com
Parsley, Steve 
Parsons, Michael 
Patrick, Gueby 
Patterson, Debbie (Davis) 
Pearson, Al 
Pearson, Ian 
Pegrum, Laurie 
Perez, Eddie 
Peters, Terry 
Peters, Leonardhttp://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/5175/
Peterson, Larry 
Philbin (Atkins), Nancy 
Pick, Francesca 
Pickering, Robhttps://pickering.org/
Pigott, Rupert 
Pinder, Alan 
Pocock, Miranda 
Pocock, Mirandawww.cloudperspective.co.uk
Porter, Jacquihttp://www.jacquiporter.co.uk
Powell, Kirk 
Price, Jason 
Price-Naish, Susan  
Pringle, Rich 
Proudfoot, Gordon 
Rabagliati, Andyhttp://www.wizzy.com/andyr/
Rakoff, Robin 
Ransen, Owenhttp://www.ransen.com
Reeves, Julie 
Reid, Chuck 
Richards, Neil 
Richards, Les 
Riker, Richard 
Ritchie, Leanne 
Ritchie, Rick 
Roberts, Adrian 
Robins, Paul 
Rodrigues, Charlenecharlener@hynixeugene.com
Roe, Stevehttp://www.ridgeway-sys.com
Rose, Mike 
Rose, Pete 
Roylance, Samantha 
Ruggles, Richard (Rick)http://expedientsignservice.com/services/
Ruths, Paul 
Ryden, Dennis 
Saad, Kevin 
Sartore, Ronwww.altimetermotives.com
Sawyier, Paul 
Schell, Mikehttp://www.convergent-design.com
Schiele, E Fred 
Schofield, PaulSkpe: PJS_Paris
Schonberg, Eric 
Schroeder, Paul 
Scimemi, Lennie 
Scrivens, Anthony 
Seal, David 
Seaton, Ian 
Seddon, Margaret (Meg) (Jackson)http://www.needlenutz.com
Selwood, Dick 
Seymour, Connie 
Sharpe, Stevenhttp://www.inncardiff.com
Shearer, Duke 
Sheldon, Doug 
Shepherd, Cindy (Krueger) 
Shepherd, Neill 
Shepherd, Davidhttp://www.shepherd-family.net
Shepherd, Rogerhttp://www.rcjd.net
Shepherd, Charlotte Glenys  
Sherwood, David 
Shields, Kevin 
Shute, Malcolmhttp://malcolm.shute.free.fr
Sidnell, Paulhttp://home.clara.net/psidnell/
Simmons, Jim 
Simmons, Jim 
Simpson, Robert 
Skolout, Bill 
Smith, David W.http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidwsmith
Smith, Malcolmhttp://www.mindgamestraining.co.uk
Smith, Randal 
Speizer, Terryhttp://www.domainealfred.com
Spinuzzi, Jim 
Sponholz, Anna 
Stalnaker, Kent 
Stalnaker, Debbie 
Stark, Ron 
Stearns, Curtiss 
Stephen, Nickhttp://nick.stephen.free.fr
Stephens, Brian 
Stewart, Graham 
Stuart, Jonhttp://www.lemonia.org/732/v.php3?z=7
Sturge, Nickhttp://www.omnigenix.co.uk
Sutton, Steve 
Swagger, Joan 
Swales, John 
Taylor, Mary 
Taylor, Richard 
Taylor, Kimhttp://www.kimtaylorfitness.com
Tempia, Marylynn 
Theiss, John 
Thomas, Michaelhttp://www.michaelneilthomas.net/
Thomas, Jeremy 
Thomas, Keith 
Thompson, Scott 
Thompson, Peter 
Tibbals III, Harry Fred 
Timmins, Ian 
Tobin, John 
Tough, Sue 
Trickey, Graham 
Tridral, 'ö-Dzinhttp://www.aroter.org
Urness, Jim 
Vlach, Tim 
Vlahos, Paulhttp://www.vlasoft.com
Voss, Mark 
Wakefield, Elwyn 
Walker, Paulhttp://www.4Links.co.uk
Waller, Davehttp://www.SolutionInSilicon.com
Walsh, Eamonhttp://eamonwalsh.it/
Watts, Richard (Chez) 
Weatherly, Jim 
Webster, Tonyhttp://www.infineon.com
Webster, Keith 
Welch, Bob 
Wertsbaugh, Kenny 
Wertsbaugh, Kevin 
Whitby-Strevens, Colin 
White, Dave 
White, Lee 
Whitton, Rob 
Whitton, Rob 
Wienecke, Joe 
Wiese, Jeff 
Wiggans, Terriehttp://www.techmachineinc.com
Wilkerson, Carl 
Wilkins, Lee 
Wilson, Dave (davol) 
Wilson, Dave 
Wilson, Bill http://cnt.canon.com
Wilson, Pete 
Wingar, Simonhttp://cpfc-ccfdp.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Wipfel, Roberthttp://www.novell.com
Wise, Adrianhttp://www.adrianwise.co.uk
Wodek, Gary 
Woodacre, Mike 
Woodley, Zena 
Woodside, Betty 
woodside, betty 
Wooten, David 
Wright, Richardrwright01@centurytel.com
Youngblood, Bruce 
Zimbler, Simon 
Zuber, Ted