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Name Website
Gaines, Steve 
Gallagher, Edhttp://www.geocities.com/WallStreet/Floor/8209/
Gallagher, Tim 
Gardner, Richard www.indigogames.com
Ghee, Stevewww.ptc.com
Gherardi, Kathy (Killian)http://www.kathygherardi.com
Gholson, Mike 
Gholson, Evelyn 
Giannandrea, John 
Gibbons, Kenneth 
giyz1w, * * * http://obcindianccia.org/uploads/go.php
Goldston, Freda 
Gonzales, John 
Gordon, Richardhttp://www.dataquest.com
Gore, Tonyhttp://www.aspen.uk.com
Gossi, Dan 
Gower, Bob 
Grabas, Dominique 
Gravier, Gilleshttp://thinkingopensource.blogspot.com/
Gray, Dan 
Green, Bobhttp://www.aethos.com/
Greenbaum, Rufushttp://www.rufusgreenbaum.com
Greenhill, David 
Gresh, Steve 
Grigg, Penny (Crocker) 
Grismore, Craig 
Grossman, Mike 
Gruszka, Stuart 
Guccione, Patsy 
Guerin, Helen 
Gullickson-Crespo, Elizabeth