Tony King-Smith

Email Address
Phone Number +44 7780 613030
Tony left Inmos in 1987 to form a start-up with Ian Pearson called Niche Technology. After an interesting lesson in startup-dom, became LSI Logic Europe's Technical Director ('89-'91) then VP of Strategic Marketing ('92-'93). From there, he moved to Hitachi ('94-'99) where he established and ran the LSI engineering team. Tony then joined Panasonic Semiconductors ('00-'06), where he established their LSI and Applications engineering teams as Director of their European System LSI Development Centre (PSDE) in Wokingham, UK. Tony has joined Imagination Technologies (June '06) as VP Marketing, working with Hossein Yassaie (CEO) and Ian Pearson (Non-Exec Director), both ex-INMOS, as well as Pete McGuiness (US Mktg) - the INMOS spirit lives on! He lives in Abinger Common, Surrey with his second wife Lynn. updated Jul 06.

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